Saturday, March 22, 2008

So there you have it. Five surgeries later and I end up with seven total screws, a bone graft and a titanium plate.

Surgery only lasted an hour and a half, but it took me two hours to finally wake up from the anesthetic. I had a nerve block in the back of my leg which made pretty much all of yesterday a piece of cake, but let me tell 3:00 in the morning, my cake walk was WAY over!

For those of you that have had surgeries in the past, you'll know that the doctor always says, "you'll be in a fair amount of pain later tonight, so here are a few prescriptions." Awesome. Thanks Doc.

I would have ended up like Heath Ledger if I was going to take enough Percocet 10's to stay on top of THAT "fair amount of pain"...Good lord, it hurt.

Carlos, of course is being a CHAMP! He gets frustrated if I reach too far for my glass of water on the coffee table, he waits outside the bathroom door to help me when I'm done, and I think He has run to the store half a dozen times already to grab whatever he can for me. AND when I got home from the hospital yesterday there was an arrangement of Callalillies on my counter, my favorite, and he remembered.

I should give a shout out to my mom for staying there and bringing me a teddy bear to hold on too while I waited to be taken to the OR. To my Grandpa for showing up and providing some much needed comic relief and for the great message from Tracy that was waiting for me on my cell.
Thanks everyone!

I need to go back and get off this sucker, just sitting here at the computer hurts. I'll write more later!


1 comment:

Shamelessly said...

Yippee for titanium plates!!

I'm glad that you're such a pro at this now! I'm also glad that this time around you have such a great guy to help you out. He sounds like a keeper to me!

In the meantime I hope you start to feel better!!!